Friday 17 October 2014

Impact E-commerce in Malaysia

Nowadays, e-commerce become as important medium of delivering service and products to customers. E-commerce is the use of Internet and the Web to transaction business. It focus on digitally enable commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals. Base on  Kenneth C. Loudon and Carol Guercio Traver (2008), they were stated that,  Digital enabled transaction  include all transaction mediatered of digital technology For most most part, this means transaction that occur over the Internet and the Web. Commercial transaction involve the exchange value (e.g, money ) across organizational or individual boundaries in return for products or services. Exchange value is important for understanding the limits of e-commerce, without an exchange of value, no commercial occurs.

In Malaysia, phenomenon of e-commerce become a trending for generation X , Y and Z to make purchasing process. This new shopping online is more easier   and very low cost compare to traditional shopping. Traditional shopping may required person to present at the shop at the time of buying process, because it involve cash term and physical present. Within online shopping through e-commerce medium, everything is just like by clicking the devices. Technological innovation  such as telephone, radio and television, a rapid growth in e-commerce was created a big market. Todays, e-commerce continue to grow fast and transform  the way of many business.E-commerce was  has expanded from the deskstop and home computer to mobile devices.

According to  journal  of E-Commerce in Malaysia ; Perceived Benefit and Barriers, this researchers  stated that besides functioning as a communication medium, it has been used as a market space where buyers and sellers exchange information, goods, and services without the hindrance of time and geographical constraints. Marketing functions are performed under a hypermedia-computer-mediated-environment where interactivity and connectivity are replacing the traditional mode of 'face to face' negotiation and communication. Internet allows interactivity between buyers and sellers to create a shared real-time common marketspace. Connectivity links buyers-sellers worldwide creating a shared global marketspace.  Example of top online shopping sites in Malaysia is such as Mudah.Com , zalora.Com and many more.

Figure 1 :  website of 

Figure 2: Web site of

Should Everyone Use Mobile Devices to Manage Daily Life Routine?

When we look around us, at  shopping  malls , at campus , on the street, at restaurant and so on, we will find that many people are using their smartphone. Smartphone is one of the example of modern mobile devices .  According to, it was define Smartphone  as cell phone. Some features included in smartphone is such as, operating system.Smartphone normally, will be based on an operating system that allows it to run applications. For example, Apple's iPhone runs the iOS, and BlackBerry smartphones run the BlackBerry OS. Other devices run Google's Android OS, HP's webOS, and Microsoft's Windows Phone. Another features in smartphone is applications. Even  smartphone already included some sort of software (e.g, address book or some sort of contact manager), a smartphone also have ability apply more software applications. we can download applications, such as personal and business finance managers, handy personal assistants, or anything. It also can allow us you to edit photos, get driving directions via GPS, and create a playlist of digital tunes. Besides that smartphone also have Web Acces. many smartphones can access the Web at higher speeds, This is because of growth the 4G and 3G data networks, and also growth of Wi-Fi technology. Still, while not all smartphones offer high-speed Web access, they all offer some sort of access. You can use your smartphone to browse your favorite sites. Smartphone includes a qwerty keyboard. It means that the keys are laid out in the same manner they would be on your computer keyboard--not in alphabetical order on top of a numeric keypad, where you have to tap the number 1 to enter an A, B, or C. The keyboard on smartphone can be hardware  which physical keys that we can  type on or in term of software  for such as on a touch screen. It such as Smartphone like a Iphone, Lenovo S,  Sony Experia Z, Acer ZenPhone,  and many more. Through using smartphone, we can send messaging to other user of smartphone. Compare with cell phones , in only can send and receive text messages, but smartphone can handle of e-mail. A smartphone can sync with your personal and, most likely, our professional e-mail account. Some smartphones can support multiple e-mail account we cas. Others include access to the popular instant messaging services, like AOL's AIM and Yahoo! Mail.

Smartphones can link to many devices at anywhere and at any time. Many people use smartphone to help their life style become more efficient, fastest and  cost saving.Social network application such Facebook, twitter,  WhatApps , WeChat  and so on become so popular as medium of communication. on smartphone. Base on kenneth C. Loudon & Jane P. Loudon,(2014) stated that, Iphone, ipads, Blackberry, and Adroid tablets and smartphones are not just gadjet or entertainment outley.They represent new emerging of computing platform base on an array of new hardware and software technologies. Many business entities use social network through smartphone as momentum or platform including facebook or twitter to interaction with potential customers. Communities or people will use blogs, wikis, email text and messaging to interact in online. Nowadays, smartphone become important trending devices or gadjet for a communities.Everyone look like, compulsory to buy. Many online marketing strategies was distribute information very fast through social media network in order to persuade  people to buy smartphone. Competition between manufacturer of smartphone was make people are have an advantages because of war price of smartphone from different distributor. We can having smartphone with only cost aRM300.Can anyone imagine it. It so cheap.We can look Smartphone like lonovo,axus, htc,samsung, and so on at the mobile devides shop at everywhere.
 However smartphone of Iphone by is one of luxury devices. It hard to find at a small mobile shop. If we  want want to buy ,we need go to the authorised dealers.It is because,their software applications are different with others application at samrtphone. Below are the video showing the Iphone..

Enterprise system

enterprise system diagram

Enterprise systems is define as  overall combination  of computer hardware and software that a business uses to organize and run its operations. For example, an integrated enterprise system will generally handle more than one operation for a company to facilitate its business and management reporting needs. It combine different  funtional  management.Normally it centerallise a different department such as human resourse, finance, supply chain management, manufacturing resource planning and customers relation managemen. For a big company it have more funtional managemnent to link together for daily routine of operation. This system will help manager of organization easy to monitor the management and can help them in decision making process.